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My favourite place to dance. Galax, VA. 

Thanks to Carol Duffy for the video.

An en masse flatfoot workshop at Chats Palace in December with a warm Christmas joy glow, this was followed by a swing dance class with the same gang. A fabulous cross genre night was had by all.

Thanks to Matan for the video.

Three sessions in, and the Homerton flatfoot army are all improvising on their own. And every week we were joined by super brilliant live musicians.

Group Hoedown after class at Chats Palace in Homerton. This ended up being an impromptu open class led by me, for all the Swing Patrol patrons who piled in to the bar after their class in the other hall. Fabulous night. 

Thanks to Saul and Swing Patrol Camden for the Video

Recording with Jerry for the Cut A Shine album......Just a bit of jamming then record, with a few false starts.

New shoes! Recorded at a session in East London.

Flatfooting to some sort of house music on the bar at Coyote Ugly, Memphis. Even though you can't hear the music, I'm pretty sure I was tapping in time. My colleague was insistent that the camera person get futher back 'To see that we're actually on a bar'. I will remove this video once the whole site has been constructed. But for now, Enjoy.

Could not resist this amazing sounding floor. And thank you to Graham who I'm obviously and rather uncharastically bossing about in a terribly stern manner. We'd had some wine.

 Set on 7 different sets in Sony Studios, LA. Such shiny/noisy/slippery floors, I couldn't resist.

(Terrible edits though, apols, my first go at imovie)

This was October 2016, just a few weeks before giving birth to my son. My boy, thankfully, has rhythm, Phew!

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