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About Flatfooting and the Workshops


Appalachian Flatfooting is a freeform dance style. There are many different steps and rythyms.  When you have built up a vocabulary of steps then you can mix and match whatever and wherever you like. 


It is improvised and freeform, as long as you always listen to the band and dance along with them then you will be providing the percussion. At the same time you will be creating your own groove and will feel like you are dancing inside the music.


The Workshop


A workshop will consist of starting you off slowly, getting the basics and understanding the sounds we can make with our feet and the variety of different rhythms.


We will do this as a group and then slowly I will show you the different steps. You may prefer some to others or challenge yourselves to nail the harder ones first, its all up to you. Even though I am coaching you through the vocabulary of steps you can take it at your own pace. 

Eventually you will build the confidence to start freeforming and sewing all the different steps and rhythms together to have your own style and groove.


The possibilities of learning so much in one workshop, is huge. However, most successfully people have developed their own styles and amassed their flatfooting steps vocab by attending weekly classes. This is where we can have more time for one on one focus as well as having the luxury of time to go over and over and over and over and over and over.........Thats how it all comes together.


And of course, this will all be done to LIVE music. There is no other way!!

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